We decided to post a few important timing of data we collected with one of our sensor.
Discovered some special reading from our sensor and also doubts.
D = Temperature
E = Humidity
F = Noise
G= Light
H = Carbon Monoxide
We placed this sensor on a tree without too much shades (33,44 ,45 grid points)
At 8+am,
Temperature falls between 32.6 to 33 degree Celsius.
It considers quite high comparing to Singapore's an annual average temperature of 27 degree Celsius.
Singapore has an annual average relative humidity of 80% but we have collected is relative humidity is between 59 - 61%.
We can only assume that because it is not raining today so the range comes out to be 20% lesser.
From 2 pm onwards, we placed our sensor near the BBQ pit which is quite close to the sea.
At 3+pm,
The relative humidity is way too low and the temperature is extremely high.
It is quite scary that the temperature is 50 degree Celsius.
By referring to the heat index chart, with 50 Celsius and 28 RH, it is serious danger. All physical activities should stop.
However, we have considered the fact that our sensors are kept inside a tiny box which may trap heat or overheated so basically when we are doing our analysis ,we need to take in consideration like this.
At near 6 pm,
RH increased a little and remained as 31% as sky is getting darker,humidity will increase.
A research about humidity changes from day to night.
"The relative humidity depends not only upon the amount of water vapour actually present in the air but also on the air temperature.In fact,the relative humidity indicates how much is the percentage of saturation of air(with water vapour) for a particular temperature.If it is fully saturated,then the relative humidity is 100 percent.
If air holds some amount of water vapour at a particular temperature and is unsaturated,then, at a lower temperature,the same amount of water vapour may be able to saturate it.Hence,for the same amount of moisture content in the air, the relative humidity may be less for a higher temperature and more for a lower temperature.Therefore, naturally the relative humidity is less during day time and more during night time."
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